Saturday 8 May 2010

It begins...

So here I am, writing my first blog.

My story so far: Hubby and I met in college, we got together a few years later, and we are now very happily married. We started trying for a family soon after we got married and had to start to accept that it was going to be the long road for us. We got referred to the infertility clinic about 8 months after we started trying, and had our first appointment about another 6 months after that.

One (painful) HSG later and it was discovered I had a blocked fallopian tube. All of this happened when I was 6. Who'd have known it at the time (certainly noone suggested it to me), but my burst appendix as a child meant my tube got all full of scar tissue. Not only did that make it blocked, but it was also leaking into my uterus and helping to thwart our attempts at parenthood. So it had to go, and 6 months ago I had an operation to have it removed. The operation was pretty easy, and a few weeks later I was full health and back to work.

Hubby and I had high hopes after the operation, an obstacle removed and all that, but it seems that my tube wasn't our only problem. My follow up appointment after the op led to me having my day 1-3 bloods taken and my first date with wandy. My bloods were fine, but the internal scan meant the nurse has told me that I also have one mildly polycystic ovary. This really was a kick in the teeth, and I can't say I dealt with the news too well. The main problem being that it could potentially mean that when I undergo fertility treatments I might get ill. Like hospital ill ,with hyperstimulation. So hubby and I, who have been patiently waiting for our number to be called on the NHS waiting list have decided to sod all the waiting and go private.

So we're right there now, our TIC appointment to find out what our treatment will be is in less than a fortnight. It's likely to be ICSI rather than IVF and I'm rather nervous.

I'm trying not to use too many acronyms here, because I've decided to be bold and share this blog with my real life friends. I'm going to post links to my blog on my facebook account and waive the anonymity. Infertility awareness week recently led to me posting links to other people's blogs and videos on my fb account, and I was touched and very pleased by the responses I got. I know not everyone has read them, but I also know that lots have. If I assume that only a small amount of people who have been reading these things have been brave enough to contact me about it, then it's actually quite a number. I am really concerened about how little people talk about infertility, and want to break the trend. So please read my blog. Don't feel that you have to respond, just reading it is enough. If any of you want to contact me about it, then please do.

I also hope I'll get better at blogging as I go along. At the moment, this is a very strange feeling - especially know that real life people will be reading... I'm sure I'll open up more as I get used to it. So here goes...


  1. My friend just told me she clicked on the appendicitis to try to help her with the acronyms. Then she realised she meant appendix...
    I wonder how many of my RL friends can guess who that was.

  2. Hi Jen, hope everything goes well for you both. I will be thinking of you. I will follow your progress, I hope you will get your desired end result. Take care x And x

  3. Congratulations on starting a blog and opening it up to Facebook. You are very brave! :)

    I hope sharing your story helps you.
