Monday, 5 July 2010

Jennie 1 - 0 Aunt Flo

Well AF didn't show. I did the toilet paper check when I went to the loo first thing, and still nothing. I tried to ring the nurses to see if they needed to cancel, but couldn't get through. So off I went. Hubby and I left at the same time, and I actually got there a whole 5 minutes after him. I made that many daft decisions driving. I queued up where I didn't need to. I consistently swapped to be in the slowest lane. I was just daft and distracted.

So we got to the clinic and the nurse scans me anyway. She said my womb lining was very thin, and I AF was not even thinking about visiting. Off she went to check, and came back to tell us that was fine and we could get started on our next meds. Woop woop! The new drugs are lots more complicated to put together than the first lot, but we've done our first lot. Yeay us!

OH was absolutely hysterical while we were having the scan. I had warned him (as nobody had warned me) that the scan was the same machine as when you're pregnant. I'm sure I had told him it was an internal scan, but obviously not recently. I think he didn't spot me take off my undies (quick as a flash, me), so he was expecting the whole scan through my belly thing. His face when the nurse whipped out the little condom thing, put it on the wand and put a load of gel on it was just a scream. From then on, he was really funny. The poor nurse couldn't get a word in edgeways without him asking what she would have already told him if he hadn't interrupted...

But I'm really pleased. Everything is going to plan again. I've been really pleased with how even and un-psycho I've been this past fortnight, but when I thought things were off schedule earlier I was not a happy bunny. So I guess being fine is entirely dependent on me getting what I want at the moment. Oops.

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