Friday 4 June 2010

Good news!

No, I'm not pregnant.

But today has still been a good day. We sold the house! I'm trying not to get mental excited (I don't have the emotional capacity for that sort of extreme anymore anyway) in case it all falls through, but it's good news. And the girl must be keen, because we confirmed it this afternoon, and she's coming to measure up tomorrow! I guess that carpet really is too dirty.

So now we can start looking at houses. Which is the best part. But we told them we were no chain, so it looks as though my parents are going to have the pleasure of our company for a while. And we'd better start looking into storage possibilities....

And also, the nurses got back to me. We're a bit worried about when my unpredictable period will start. So here I am on cycle day 41 and not a hint of PMT in sight. So we're going to take control. Today I am officially back on the pill. What a turn of events... At least it's the mini pill, so that should limit the psycho. I hope. A fortnight on that, I should come on a few days later, then a fortnight of suprecur, followed by a baseline scan and tuition on how to start the second lot of injections, all leading up to egg collection on the first week of the summer holidays. Presumably.

So I'll have to have a few scans and appointments during work, but I won't have to take a fortnight off work. My headteacher is going to love me!

So today is a different day than yesterday. A very different day. Roll on tomorrow!


  1. So glad it's looking up! Wishing you luck with the house :)

  2. Great news Jen! Let's hope it's the start of a great year x
