I think I've ovulated! Which is great. So hopefully Aunt Flo will visit in a fortnight, and when AF gets here I can get injecting! This would have me about a week earlier than the nurses had penciled me in for, which I'm sure they can make work.
I realised that in the confusion of taking in all the information at our last appointment I'd got a couple of things wrong. It's a good thing they gave me the paper copy of all the information, because after reading it I figured a few things out. The date I was given (July 5th) is not for Egg collection, but for starting the stimming. And I also (for some unfathomable reason) had assumed that my downregging was tablets, then those tablets stopped and I started the injections. But they're both injections. And also I don't think I stop taking the first one when I start the second one. It'll be a fortnight of 1 injection a day, and a fortnight of 2 injections a day. Bugger! Have I got enough belly for that many injections? (Don't answer that).
I dont' know whether it's the horMOANS starting to gear up for AF, if it's because I didn't have the best week in work, because it's raining again today, because we're still no closer to selling the house or because I couldn't sleep last night thinking about someone that made me cross, but I'm starting to get grumpy. Poor hubby. I do feel for him. Still can't stop though (sorry, love).
I am seriously scared about how nasty I might be on these drugs. A fantastic friend sent me a text: "Let the psycho begin! Seriously, we'll share you round, it'll be fine". Bless her. I think that's the way to approach it. The less each person has to deal with me individually, the less guilty I'll feel about being a pain.
However. I'm going out with a great friend tonight. I've got a week off for the school holidays. We've got a new estate agent coming around this week. Hubby and I have a part-exchange option on the house to follow up. Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow. And soon is my 30th birthday! So I won't have children before I'm 30, I won't even be pregnant. But on July 4th, 1 day before my pencilled in start-the-second-jabs date, I will be 30. I'm having a lovely party with a load of my music friends. We're going to play guitars, ukeleles, mandolins, djembes, cajons, we're gonna sing and a have a chilled out time. Just what I need to relax me. I guess I'll be the only sober one there though. And best of all, soon I will start being able to actively do something to step closer to my dream of having a family. So things aren't as bad as they seem. in fact, they're looking up!